• Cooking

    Fried Yellow Squash

    One thing I love about summer is the fresh yellow squash. My parents always had a garden when I was growing up. They have always had a lot of extras that they either sold or gave away depending on the summer. Of course there are a lot of ways to cook the squash but my favorite is to fry it.  It can be fried in individual pieces or pan fried like fried potatoes. I like it cut thin and fried in individual pieces until it is crispy.  My husband likes cut a little thicker and fried individually or pan fried with onions and potatoes. I have also put it in…

  • Corn Casserole

    The Perfect Corn Casserole

    My husband loves corn casserole, but I had trouble finding a recipe that we both liked.  I have made a lot of different ones over the last few years with different levels of success.   At Thanksgiving I made one for a family get together.  We had one at lunch for my dad’s side of the family and one that evening for John’s side of the family.  I found a slow cooker recipe and thought that would be perfect since I wouldn’t be home to cook that afternoon.  Before we left for the first event, I dumped it in the slow cooker.  It barely fit, but it did, and we left. …