
Simple Tuna Salad

We were trying to decide what to have for lunch on Saturday, my daughter was in the kitchen and came in the living room with the package of tuna.  She asked if we could make tuna fish sandwiches.  I looked at my husband and he agreed.  I know it is supposed to be called tuna salad, but growing up we called it tuna fish and that is what I still tend to say, so of course that is what my kids say as well.  LOL  It is hard to break old habits, but I will try to use the correct terminology here.

I never liked the  cans of tuna and trying to get the water out of it, it still seemed watery and made the tuna salad watery instead of creamy.  I loved it when they came out with the vacuum sealed packages.  I know it costs a little more to buy the packages, but it is worth it for me to not have to worry about trying to get the water out of the tuna.  We don’t eat tuna very often as a family so it is not a big cost for me, there are a few items that are worth the extra cost in my opinion.  Vacuum sealed tuna is one of them.  I usually try to keep a package in the cabinet so when we want it, we can make it.

She told me that she wanted to do it all by herself, just wanted me to tell her what to do.  I told her to start by getting a pan out to boil eggs, she has done this many times so no problem.  She put 8 eggs on to boil, 2 for the tuna, 3 for deviled eggs, and 3 for her to take to school for lunch this week.

I have tried many different ways to boil the eggs, trying to get them to turn out well.  It still fails sometimes, but usually comes out well.  We boil eggs by putting them in cold water, bring to a boil, then lower the temp a little so they don’t bang around and break.  We cooked at this medium high temp for 15 minutes, then removed from the heat, poured off the water and replaced with cold water.  I want them to cool quickly, so I replaced the water several times until they cooled.  She shelled the 5 eggs we were going to use as soon as they were cool enough to hold.

She wanted to chop up the eggs, so I cut the eggs in half and showed her how to cut up one half.  I made deviled eggs out of the 3 eggs while she chopped up the eggs.  Then I showed her how to cut up the sweet pickles and she cut up about 4 before she scared herself.  I finished cutting up the others and we mixed it all up with Miracle Whip and salt and pepper.

I don’t put onion in my tuna salad, but my Mom always has, so I listed it as optional in the recipe.

Tuna Salad


1 package tuna 11 oz

2 boiled eggs, chopped

1/2 cup Miracle Whip (or mayonnaise if you prefer)

1/3 cup sweet pickles, chopped

1/4 cup onion, chopped (optional)

Salt and pepper to taste

Place all ingredients in a medium sized bowl.  Stir until all the items are combined.  The tuna salad can be served immediately or chilled first if preferred.

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