Flavored French Toast
My family loves french toast. We have it for supper quite often because it is an easy, filling, and inexpensive meal that pleases everyone. I grew up eating french toast with peanut butter spread on it along with syrup and that is how I still eat it. Everyone is always surprised and do not think that peanut butter on french toast would be good, but it is, it is really good. Everyone in the family eats it this way except Devin because he is allergic to peanuts and peanut products. We put cinnamon sugar on his now, but for years he just ate it plain with syrup.
French toast is not hard to make and it only takes a few ingredients. We have tried a lot of different types of bread over the years. I grew up with Mom just using regular sliced white bread for our french toast. That is what I also used at first, but now we prefer using Texas toast. It is just a little thicker but the texture is still similar to the regular bread.
I begin by beating an egg, adding a little salt and sugar and a can of evaporated milk, mixing until well combined. This makes about 10-12 slices of the Texas toast. If I am cooking for more than normal and need extra slices, I just add an extra can of evaporated milk to make it go farther. Sometimes I add another egg, but really don’t notice a difference in the results either way.
I have a folding griddle that I use to cook my french toast, pancakes and grilled cheese. The constant heat makes it easier to cook the french toast evenly. The french toast can be cooked in a skillet too, but it will take longer than on a griddle because you can’t cook as many pieces at one time. My griddle holds 8 slices at a time, so it doesn’t take very long to cook enough for all of us.
I spray the griddle with a little cooking spray. Then I dip the bread into the egg and milk mixture, and lay it on the griddle, repeating with the rest of the bread slices until the griddle is full. Do not hold the bread in the milk mixture very long or it will absorb too much which makes it unstable. If it absorbs too much, sometimes it will tear and the French toast will be mushy inside after it cooks.
For Devin, I sprinkle cinnamon sugar over the milk and egg covered bread, then once again after I flip it. Occasionally, Shaylee likes to have a slice of cinnamon sugar french toast as well. Once the bottom has browned, they are ready to turn over. You can lift the edge up to check to see if it is ready to turn.
I turn all the toast over in the same order that I put them on the griddle, that way they all have about the same amount of time on the griddle.
I put a little peanut butter on each slice to allow it to warm.
Then I go back and spread the peanut butter over the slices once it has softened.
They are ready to serve once the other side is browned.
I took my pictures before we added syrup, but the syrup blends perfectly with the peanut butter to create a wonderfully unique taste. The kids and I like our syrup warmed up, but John prefers his at room temperature. We all like the flavor of the Great Value regular pancake syrup better than all the others we have tried.
French Toast w/ Peanut Butter or Cinnamon Sugar
1 package Texas Toast
1 egg
1 can evaporated milk
1 tbsp sugar
Dash of salt
2 tbsp peanut butter (optional)
Cinnamon Sugar (optional)
Beat the egg, then add the sugar, salt and milk, stir until well mixed. Spray the griddle with cooking spray and allow to heat up. Dip each slice of bread into the milk mixture and place on the griddle. If making cinnamon french toast, sprinkle the cinnamon sugar on now. Once the toast is browned, flip and add cinnamon sugar to the other side. If making the peanut butter version, place a little peanut butter on each slice after it has been flipped and allow to warm. After the peanut butter is softened, spread it across each slice. Remove from the griddle once both sides have browned. Serve with your favorite syrup.
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